Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. King

On this, the observed birthday of Dr. King's birth, I choose to point out yet again how the American left distorts Dr. King's statements, views, and legacy for its own ends. I quote from this CNN article, which tacks nicely with James Loewen's views of King in Lies My Teacher Told Me:

But nearly 40 years after his assassination in April 1968, after the deaths of his wife and of others who knew both the man and what he stood for, some say King is facing the same fate that has befallen many a historical figure -- being frozen in a moment in time that ignores the full complexity of the man and his message.

"Everyone knows, even the smallest kid knows about Martin Luther King, can say his most famous moment was that 'I have a dream' speech," said Henry Louis Taylor Jr., professor of urban and regional planning at the University of Buffalo.

"No one can go further than one sentence," he said. "All we know is that this guy had a dream; we don't know what that dream was." (boldface mine--Darren)

Oh yes we do. The American left may want to distort and pervert and ignore that dream, but I do not. Among some specific examples of racism and injustice he pointed out in his famous 1963 speech, one point stands out as an exemplar for all time:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

It's hard to parse those words, but some try. You can twist all you want, but the meaning is clear--a colorblind society. He repeatedly called out to Let Freedom Ring, for equality of the races, for justice and harmony.

Those points are twisted today using a variety of politically correct code words and Orwellian doublespeak.

Whilst looking over a list of King's quotes I came across several that were good but one in particular that I hadn't heard before, one that spoke to me:

It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important.

Indeed. It's important, good, and right that the law has removed what had been hurdles, both legal and illegal, placed in the path of American blacks. It should go no further than that.

It's true that the Dr. King of 1968 was different from the King of 1963. The former involved himself in a sanitation workers' strike and the Vietnam War, far from the lofty ideals of the latter. It's the King of 1963 that will be frozen in time, and from whom I draw my inspiration.

I've posted before about one way to honor him.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I would love to see a King dollar replace the Sacagawea. That might actually get it accepted in more households... But the dime? I'd rather see King on a larger scale.

    As for materials, when my parents visited China, they brought back a few extra coins - they are aluminum! Perhaps with the copper problems raising the cost of the penny, the commodities market could shift to aluminum pennies - they'd certainly weigh less and the costs might go back to a more appropriate level. And think of the recycling :)

    I keep half dollars in my emergency stash in the car and in my key case, but I've been replacing them with newer dollar coins so that I have more emergency funds for whatever situation arises. I used to just carry two quarters for use in a pay-phone if I had to call my parents.

  2. I like the Sac dollars! I think they're among the most beautiful coins this country has produced in some time. I also like the reverse of the Presidential dollars, which will be minted along with the Sac dollars.

    Dr. King should be on a circulating coin, though--not just a commemorative. Do you think the half dollar would circulate if he were on it? I don't, but I wouldn't mind being wrong on that point.

  3. What exactly was twisted by the left regarding King?
