Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It's been three years, and a couple thousand posts, since I started this blog. It's a labor of love (and ego), one I enjoy immensely. Thank you for visiting here.

And if you think they'd like it, send the URL to your friends! I'd love to increase my readership.


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Congrats and happy BlogDay!
    I disagree with almost everything you write, but I enjoy reading you immensely. Thank you for spending your time to entertain us all. Good luck with the next three years!

  2. Happy Blogaversairy. I wish I could be half as successful as you have been.

  3. There are a few ways to define blogging success. One is with page views, another is with advertisement revenue--neither of which define me as very successful. If I've achieved any success at all in blogging, it's in having attracted a number of high quality commenters and contributors--and EllenK, you definitely fall in that category. Thank you.

  4. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Yeah, happy blogiverserrary. Doesn't this make your blog about a hundred and fifty in Internet years?

  5. Allen, you're another. Thank you for all your contributions.

  6. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Well congratulations! My very first post on my very first blog was August 8, 2005. At the encouragement of some people on an e-list, I began posting summaries of my lessons in my homeschool.

    I never thought it would turn into anything else. It is amazing how many connections you can make through blogging.

    I'm glad you kept up with it!

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    So the Sea Cadets have yet again offered a great opportunity (this is just in case i dont see you between now and the call)

    There is an Australian International Exchange to work with the australian royal navy and royal cadets .... all for a massive $200 for 2 weeks! All expenses and air fair paid for by the sea cadets

    so the application process is a little intense s only2 cadets that apply are accepted so they asked for 3 references and i gave my co, you and an admiral i know

    see you later
