Monday, December 17, 2007

This Is How I Learned To Teach

I spent my first year teaching on an emergency credential--a B.S. degree in Math and a pulse. I spent my next two years on an intern credential while I taught during the day and went to ed school (an alternative credential program) at nights and on weekends.

Very little of what we learned in ed school was applicable to the real world of teaching, especially for secondary teachers. This post by Joanne (see blogroll) hits the nail on the head.


  1. Couldn't agree with you more. I taught full time in a Catholic high school while I was getting certified in a Masters program. The only benefit of the courses was that I learned the jargon so could figure out what they were talking about. Not that it mattered

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Me too! Me too!

    Except I was a emergency credential at a continuation HS (6 mo), while I *started* my credential. Then I subbed. Then I taught on an internship.

    Now I'm dealing with BTSA *blech* and teaching at a Middle School (yay!).

    Now BTSA's a whole 'nother rant... All the hoops of your ed school and credential, shoved into state clothing, and put on by your employer. Can't wait until THAT"S taken care of!

  3. I was student teaching at the Dallas Arts Magnet, and two days after arriving, my lead teacher's daughter came down with measles. Dallas is notorious for cutting corners, so I taught the class for six weeks. By then, it was my class, not hers. This year, I get a student teacher-my first-and I am looking forward to getting their head on straight. It should be interesting.

  4. I had a master's in engineering, so I did post-bac certification. Education classes were an absolute waste. Student teaching helped the most. Why don't Ed colleges at least try to teach something relevant? Here are some topics that should have been addressed: education law, what to do when a fight breaks out, writing letters of recommendation, being in a union, working for the board, picking textbooks, grant writing, subject area professional organizations, how to read your contract, supplemental assignments, monitoring the cafeteria and coaching. Anyone want to add to the list?

  5. How to keep a roll book. How to address parents. REAL classroom management techniques.
