Monday, December 03, 2007

Pyramid Scheme For Diversity

John Leo has it nailed.

Yale's college council has come up with a bright idea: it endorsed a call for each of the twelve residential colleges on campus to have two diversity coordinators. The relentless expansion of what Claremont McKenna professor Frederick Lynch calls "the diversity machine" is not exactly breaking news. Diversity is a restless quasi-religion whose missionaries are ever on the move. Yale already has an impressively vast diversity bureaucracy headed by Nydia Gonzalez, the new chief diversity officer. She is working on a long-term plan, "Diversity Yale 2010 and Beyond." Each school has its own system of diversity apparatchiks. There's even a Yale library diversity council with 10 to 16 members and a three-year diversity program. Now Yale's Coalition for Campus Unity (CCU) is encouraging the residential colleges to create "some kind of diversity-awareness position or board." A board of, say, ten members in each college would add 120 new officials - another diversity gusher. Last February, Yale continued its long-term program to segment the student body into ever smaller ethnic and sexual groups. It hired a new assistant dean for Native American affairs. Can anyone say that a provost for the transgendered is somehow out of the question?

I have a suggestion for how Yale could improve its diversity, but I doubt they'd view it favorably. Hint: it has something to do with conservatives :-)

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