Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Indoctrinate U Web Site Back Up Again

In what I can only assume is a victory for free speech and yet another loss for fascist lefties, the Indoctrinate U web site is back up. Why is that news? Because of this, which I reported to you a couple weeks ago:

Due to a threatened lawsuit from a major taxpayer-funded university, the Indoctrinate U homepage has been taken down temporarily. On The Fence Films LLC is deciding how best to proceed, and we will not be commenting on anything until after our final response has been executed.

Don’t worry, though, this will not derail the film.

But wait, now there's an update:

The site is now back online, and an announcement will be issued soon.

I eagerly await this announcement. I want to know which publicly-funded university I can excoriate here on Right On The Left Coast.


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I'm glad to see their site is back up. I've been following his efforts to complete the film and now promote it for quite awhile. I really wish he would have a showing down in here in Florida, but worst case, I'll pick it up on DVD.

  2. I downloaded his 45-min version, which is just a super-edited version of the full movie--or so he said when he first made it available for free download several months ago.

    It had *me* laughing!
