Thursday, December 13, 2007

Global Warming Caused By Hellfire and Brimstone?

Read here to learn what the Pope has recently said about global warming. I think he just doesn't like competition from the Church of Global Warming.


  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Don't read there. It isn't true. Read what the Pope said at the Vatican website and judge for yourself. (world Day of Peace message for 2008)

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    So on one hand we have a man of faith saying we should use real science before drawing conclusions on global warming and then on the other hand we have people of "science" who tell us we should accept it on faith that global warming is real. I love it.

  3. Although I am a lapsed Catholic, I am under no particular assumption that the Church has all the answers, especially when it comes to something that should be based in scientific fact. I think perhaps, the Church is seeing this as a type of nature worship and commenting on that aspect of the situation.

  4. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Perhaps, but I find that (at least in modern times) the Catholic church acknowledges science where other Christian religions do not. I was raised Catholic. In Catholic school we were actually taught evolution. In my experience, you don't get that in many other Christian religions.
