Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Should This Really Be A Firing Offense For A Teacher?

OK, she wasn't fired--she was put on administrative leave and has elected to resign. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I'll grant that cheerleading in front of an English class probably isn't the smartest thing, especially if the cheerleading bore no relationship to the topic at hand. But must every mistake result in job termination? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


  1. Her routine certainly wasn't Disney, but it wasn't as bad as your average high school rally.

  2. I concur completely.

  3. It was dumb, but she shouldn't have been fired.

    I predict we're going to see more and more of this behavior as those of my generation, who have never been instructed on the merits of professionalism, go into the teaching field.

  4. That seems severe.

  5. Anonymous2:10 PM

    She got canned of that? C'mon!
    We teachers are constantly told to engage our students. Well, sometimes I think I need to dance just to wke them up. The YouTube video I saw had numerous loops in it; I can imagine that the actual cheer was maybe 30 seconds.
    We all need to decide where to draw the line between developing rapport and being unprofessional. I hardly think a cheer warrants sacking.

  6. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Well, I am tired of seeing people fired for saying the N word, the B word, the H word, and the F word. I am now afraid to say any of these words and, especially afraid, while I am cheer leading, because the CA governor might punish me by taking my California (STRS) pension away from me!

  7. The principal should have just taken her aside, and said "Let's not do that again".
    End of story.
    She should not lose her job for that.

    That video was doctored to make the routine appear more suggestive than it was.
