Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is Your City Growing Or Shrinking?

Go here to find out.


  1. Our little town is up 11%. Surrounding towns are up over 18%. Much of it is due to the twin influx of people from states with higher living costs and from south of the border. I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

  2. It's hard to tell with some of these stats just exactly whether a *city* is growing or whether a *metro area* is growing. Here in central Indiana, I see that Indianapolis has a moderate rate of growth (+0.6%) but the surrounding counties are booming, and most of those residents (like my wife) commute into Indy for work. So if you factor the "Indianapolis area" into it, I'm sure that the growth rate is much higher.

    By the same token I was surprised to see three more Indiana cities (Ft. Wayne, South Bend, Evansville) all in the negatives -- but then again those cities are smaller and perhaps people are just moving right outside the city limits.

    Evansville really surprised me -- something like -5% growth, and it's a really nice small city. Not like Detroit or some of the other places with similar negative growth.
