Monday, November 05, 2007

If Only *I* Could Retire In Such Palatial Digs

A couple weeks ago I took this lovely picture from Old Sacramento, looking west across the Sacramento River to the old Money Store ziggurat, currently housing the state Department of General Services. In the foreground is the sternwheeler Spirit of Sacramento, which can take you on an enjoyable cruise up and down the river.

But Darren, you ask, what's that large building going up on the right, that beautiful tower sitting on some prime riverfront property?

Well, since you ask, that's going to be the new headquarters for the California State Teacher Retirement System.

Your retirement money at work. Yours, and mine.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. You don't get to live there when you retire? What a drag.

    I too envy my union reps, with their double pensions, jobs in offices like that doing whatever it is they do in offices like that, and jetting about the country for conferences with free donuts and prostitutes.

    And all they need to do for it is stab folks like me in the back on a regular basis.

