Monday, November 26, 2007

The Big Bang Theory

In part because of my new relationship with the elliptical trainer, I just finished watching, for the first time, The Big Bang Theory (CBS, 7:30 PST).

Whoever wrote that show is a comic genius.


  1. The elliptical trainer: one of the best low impact cardio training devices available. Beats jamming up your joints by running. Stick with it!

    ~ Dempsey

  2. Every week night (except one) for the past 5-1/2 weeks, when I bought it. :-)

  3. "Big Bang" was a surprise hit for us also. We've been with it from the start.

    Others you might like:
    "Eureka" on SciFi

  4. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I don't get cable :(

  5. Anonymous5:48 PM

    My wife 'made' me watch the 2nd episode after she watched the pilot. I blew her off when she was watching the first episode, thinking MNF was more important.

    Not anymore. It's a must see show, I just hope it survives the writer's strike.

  6. I don't have cable so I can't watch MNF anyway.

    Besides, MNF isn't on past January!
