Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ward Churchill, Will You Please Go Home

Ah, Ward Churchill.

Former University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill no longer is a member of the faculty but he is holding classes on campus after his dismissal following a controversial Sept. 11 essay comparing victims to a Nazi leader.

The classes, covering topics including colonialism, genocide and racism, are organized by the students who then invite Churchill to speak.

"We feel Ward has a right to say what he wants to say," Aaron Smith, a political science and ethnic studies senior, told

Smith, one of the discussions' organizers, said about 75 students usually show up but it is hard to get them to commit to assignments since they can't receive grades for them...

The University of Colorado says Churchill is allowed on campus since he is a private citizen but students cannot receive academic credit for attending the discussions...

The university does not recognize the discussions as courses or an official representation of the University of Colorado academic work, (university spokesman) Hilliard said.

He plagiarized. He lied about being a Native American.
He even passed off someone else's painting as one of his own.

Chief Full-0f-crap.


  1. He probably views himself as an oppressed minority, somewhere along the lines of the professor who wrote "Reading Lolita in Tehran." Sadly, he wasn't oppressed enough to leave gracefully. I am sure that Iran or any of the anti-American nations would LOVE to have an expatriate professor at their side. He should leave. I will help pay for the ticket. How about North Korea? Maybe Myanmar? Or Syria? Love to be helpful *cheerful smile*

  2. Ellen K, you're a very devious woman.

    I like that!

  3. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Hmm. Let's see now. The University can't prevent him from doing what he wants on campus? It's a public facility so if I wanted, I could set up shop teaching, well, whatever I wanted? Trespassing laws have been repealed in Colorado?

    Would this forebearance extend, by any chance, to conservatives, particularly those who were not liars, plaigarists or terrorist supporters do you suppose? Just wondering.
