Sunday, October 28, 2007

T-Shirts At School

This post at Classical Values raises a very interesting point: my school doesn't ban t-shirts with Che Guevara on them; heck, we have teachers with posters of this psycho in their classrooms and who wear such t-shirts. How would the school react if students wore t-shirts showing Dylan Harris and Eric Klebold, of Columbine fame?


  1. My husband lived in South America (Peru, to be specific) when that murdering communist was running around - nothing gets him as worked up as seeing him idolized by young people today. I pretty much can't repeat what he says about the "murdering #@#(*%)@(#"....

  2. A friend emailed this to me today, unable for some reason to post here:

    The Columbine duo were pikers compared to the Argentinean murderer. Klebold and Harris killed but a handful, while Ernesto was involved in the deaths of thousands. That this thug is lionized by the left speaks to either their ignorance, their totalitarian impulses or both. Please read{86DE50D7-E16B-42C6-B61E-035B6A1F541D}

  3. Darren, I saw this post:

    and I thought of you. At least they recognize "it's probably not good."

  4. With either of those two t-shirts I could successfully infiltrate any leftie gathering. =)

