Saturday, October 27, 2007

Probably Not A Racist, Probably Not Too Bright

HOUSTON — A school district police officer suspended for creating and distributing a "Ghetto Handbook" has been fired...

The booklet was given to other police officers at a May roll call and tells them learning the definitions in it will allow them to speak as if they "just came out of the hood."

Morris told district investigators he made the booklet to get back at one of his bosses. He also pointed out he is married to a black woman and that they have three children together, according to the report.

Can anyone explain to me how doing something stupid allows you to get back at one of your bosses?


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Where can I get a copy???

  2. In response to Lillian's query, I found a copy of this "Ghetto Handbook" from another online source and cross-posted it on White Reference.

    Looking at it, it appears to be a tempest in a teapot. The "Handbook" is intended to be far more humorous than racist. But the black community in general, and in particular, the self-appointed leadership cadre of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson need to accept responsibility for excusing, promoting, and perpetrating the negative stereotypes contained therein.
