Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Blogging Will Be Light For Awhile

Because of what I fear is carpal tunnel syndrome (yes, I have a message in to my doctor), blogging will be light for the foreseeable future. I'll try to post links and the like, but lengthy commentary will have to take a back seat for awhile.

Short commentary, on the other hand....

Get it? "On the other hand"? My (alleged) carpal tunnel is causing so much pain in one hand! So if I want to do anything it has to be with the other hand! Hahahaha!

Sometimes I slay myself.

Update: My doctor says it's probably only tendonitis, but I still need to do some things differently--including getting an ergonomic keyboard for my computer and cutting back on the long typing for awhile.


  1. I do a lot of AutoCad work. Mouse is very prevalent in this type of computing.
    About three years ago I was having a lot of pain in my right arm. I started mousing with my left hand.
    I don't think that I had Carpal tunnel, but probably just tendinitis
    Anyhow, I mostly use my right hand to mouse, but I occasionally switch off.
    Take lots of breaks, but for God's sake, don't stop blogging.
    I always enjoy reading posts here.
    Good luck, I'm sure that it will get better.

  2. Thanks for the kind words!

    Don't doubt for a minute I'll "hit the keyboard running" if a big story comes up. I just can't be *as* prolific.

    I think part of the issue with my new computer is this very narrow mouse. I should get a different mouse along with the keyboard. Nuh guh HP.
