Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yale: 'No' To Recruiters, So 'No' To Federal Money

This I do not understand. In FAIR v. Rumsfeld, didn't the Supreme Court already rule that the Solomon Amendment, which denies federal money to schools that bar military recruiters, was entirely legal? Wasn't the vote 8-0 (Alito recused himself)?

Then why is the 2nd Circuit having to uphold denying money from Yale Law School for barring recruiters?

Apparently the Supremes only ruled that the Solomon Amendment doesn't violate the First Amendment freedom of association. Still, it's fairly generally recognized--outside of Yale Law School, at least--that the law is constitutional.

Hey, Yale: show some tolerance, celebrate some diversity, have some recruiters on campus.

Update: This didn't take long:

NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Yale Law School will end its policy of not working with military recruiters following a court ruling this week that jeopardized about $300 million in federal funding, school officials said Wednesday...

They're whores. What a shock. If it were really about principle, they'd do without the money.

"The fact is we have been forced under enormous pressure to acquiescence in a policy that we believe is deeply offensive and harmful to our students," said Robert Burt, a Yale law professor who was lead plaintiff in the case.

You haven't been forced, you whore. You're selling out. Don't feel bad, though--what better reason than money is there for selling out? Here's my favorite part:

The Air Force already has asked to participate in a job interview program that starts Monday, she (a Yale spokeswoman) said.


  1. Anonymous7:03 PM


    Do you agree that students in their upper college years and those in graduate schools already are pretty sure of what they want to do, and that maybe recruiters could be better used in different locations?


  2. No, I do not. If that were so, there would be no recruiters anywhere.

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I think you misread what I typed... I'm referring to graduate and college.

  4. I didn't misread. Recruiters tell people about opportunities they might not even know exist.

    If military recruiters weren't getting recruits from colleges, they wouldn't waste their time going there. And Yale Law School--how many civilian law school students know what the DoD can do for them, especially as regards student loan payoffs?

  5. Anonymous9:14 PM

    “Anonymous said...
    I think you misread what I typed... I'm referring to graduate and college.”

    Anon, I think your missing a point. This may be a shock so you may need to sit down.

    The Army needs lawyers!

    And doctors…and veterinarians…and graduates in technical fields, MBAs, etc. The Department of Defense and its branches (Department of the Army, Navy, etc) is a massive bureaucracy and needs trained personnel to function.

    We need to recruit for those skilled personnel. So we give them additional salary, allowances and other benefits. Just imagine how much money a new MD will save knowing he doesn’t have to pay tens of thousands yearly in malpractice insurance. A 26 year old in debt for 150K may want to look into a program that will pay him while he is getting experience and reducing his college debt.

    Also if we are supporting this university with our tax dollars we shouldn’t expect a red carpet. But we damned sure shouldn’t be given worse access than Exxon or Microsoft.

    Darren is being generous. If Yale has a sliver of integrity they would “no, we don’t need the money”. But professors are often the biggest bunch of hypocrites on earth.

  6. If memory serves, Yale has a very large endowment. If they feel so strongly about this issue, why don't they simply turn down the money and dip into the endowment a bit? They should have a lot more options than would a small, poor college.

  7. Anonymous8:49 PM

    “David said...
    If memory serves, Yale has a very large endowment. If they feel so strongly about this issue, why don't they simply turn down the money and dip into the endowment a bit? They should have a lot more options than would a small, poor college.”

    Well David, we know this is not about money…I mean leftists will stand on principals to the last dine of your cash!

  8. I support the restriction of funds to Yale for them barring recruiters ...

    Its the same here at Rio Americano High they constrain the recruiters to this one corner of the school in front of this one door where the least amount of students go

    also after working with navy recruiters ive heard its even worse at el camino where they put them in the library where very few go and they put them behind the door so when people open the library door the door blocks the view of the recruiters and students walk right on ...
