Friday, September 07, 2007

Clueless Sister of a Midshipman

Go read this sob story. Seriously, go read it. This poor leftie didn't know the purpose of the Naval Academy was to prepare naval officers, who could potentially lead sailors in battle.

Before he left, my family had countless talks about what it might mean to be at an academy. While we knew that someday he would be required to serve, we also were drawn to the top-tier education he was promised to receive. We were told that the Naval Academy was first and foremost an elite college. He would be able to learn history, economics, political science, and even engineering. He would play lacrosse on a nationally ranked team and play the bugle in the marching band. He would have seminars about leadership and selflessness. He would even go to school for free.

All of this is true. Read on.

When I talked to my brother about why he wanted to go, he admitted that it was because he was drawn to the structure of the place—as a kid who did not want to sit around and drink beer during college, he liked the fact that he would be busy and have a purpose. I soon became comfortable with the idea of the academy, as if it would be a haven for my brother’s undergraduate career. And when people would congratulate me on my brother’s decision, it made me feel reassured.

Yes, honey, because it's all about you, isn't it?

When I looked at the course catalogue, which boasted seminars about leadership and selflessness, they were in fact seminars about weaponry and leading troops into combat. The reality of sending my brother to the Naval Academy began to set in: this was not a school; this was the military. While they boast a first class education, the main goal of this institution was to get my brother “combat ready.”

She writes as if attending a first-rate institution and being in the military are mutually exclusive. Having attended two of our three major academies, I can assure you they are not. One wonders if this girl is truly smart enough to attend an Ivy League school if she didn't figure this out in advance. Oh, I'm sure she fits right in at Columbia, what with her biases and all, but honestly--why would she admit to being this ignorant?

So, how does her brother feel about attending Navy?

My brother ended up liking Annapolis and he has decided to stay.

But it's still all about her.

While it has been difficult for me to accept that I have a brother in the military, I must allow him to pursue whatever path he is drawn toward, and he has admitted to me that he feels called to being there.

Her brother has already forgotten more about honor than his sister will ever know.

What's perhaps worst of all, this article was the first in what's supposed to be a 4-part series. I don't think there's enough Kleenex in the world for this chick's tears.


  1. "...When I looked at the course catalogue, which boasted seminars about leadership and selflessness, they were in fact seminars about weaponry and leading troops into combat."

    Well...Duuhhh!! It's a "MILITARY Academy", clueless one!

  2. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Notice that even in the end, she doesn't admit that her brother made the decision on his own; he was "drawn toward" the path and "feels called to being there."

    Since he's an adult - and it sounds like he's a very responsible adult - I have a feeling he committed by himself.

  3. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Time for him to get a new sister.

  4. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Oh dear. I feel her pain. Good grief, if the guy was a murderer, rapist, addict or something similarly honorable, I'm sure she could eventually come to terms with it. Heck, she'd likely be the bell of the ball in her social circles, and could probably get her brother a book deal and even get him out on parole. But having a brother in the military? Just imagine how that must affect her, the social ostracism, the embarrased silences at toney social gatherings. The horror.

  5. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Go Navy!

  6. Yes, go, Navy. Go very far away!

  7. Anonymous8:14 PM do you think Army will do this year against Navy? Better than...oh say the last 5 years?

  8. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Even my 18 month old daughter responds to "Go Army" with "Beat Navy!" Although I will admit the Navy sometimes comes out sounding like baby. But hey, since they're not mutually exclusive, who am I to complain?
