Saturday, September 01, 2007

Can A Valedictorian Mention Jesus?

I don't see how that's state sponsorship of religion, unless the school required the student to mention Jesus.

So in this case, I think the school erred--big time.


  1. First, let me say that one of my biggest scholastic peeves is when there is more than one valedictorian. My graduating class had 37. The valedictorian is supposed to be the person with the highest GPA, even if it's by a fraction of a point. If you're worried about hurting feelings, then don't have a valedictorian at all.

    Second, I agree that the school is dead wrong, and I'm saying that as an atheist and an ACLU supporter. If the students were asked to speak from their hearts, and her heart had something to say about Jesus, then it is her right to say it. Some people may not like it. I know I would have rolled my eyes. But it is her constitutional right to speak her mind.

    If the school really wanted to send a particular message, they could hold auditions for the student address. There's no guarantee that the valedictorian is a skilled orator, and a 30 second speech is more like a sound bite.

  2. Knowing how many transplanted liberals are currently in that area of Colorado, I am sure if the student had instead followed the admonition of the cardinal in Amsterdam or wherever to call God Allah, the crowds and faculty would all be patting themselves on the back for how open and diverse they all were.

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    It's all good. And you'll defend a val who mentions Satan or disrespects Bush, I trust. Maybe says something nice about Che Guevara or something bad about Jesus or the Pope... It's all free speech. Same issue with flag burning. I'll defend it; I hope you will, too.

  4. Anonymous7:05 PM

    “It's all good. And you'll defend a val who mentions Satan or disrespects Bush, I trust. Maybe says something nice about Che Guevara or something bad about Jesus or the Pope... It's all free speech. Same issue with flag burning. I'll defend it; I hope you will, too.”

    Anon, I wonder will you have any problem with a val calling on Muslim students to condemn the people who call for murder and terrorism in their religion’s name.

    Or will you support the right of an American citizen to protest dictatorship, i.e. burning the flag of Cuba? I ask that because a federal judge earlier this year said it was illegal to burn the flags of other countries in protest…but for some reason you can burn the Stars and Stripes.

    Or for a Christian to thank God Almighty for seeing her through to this great day?

    I await you answer Anon...and please post some type of name.
