Friday, August 31, 2007

The Fight For Victory Tour

I received the following email, and reprint it here as a service to good Americans in the Sacramento area:

Hi, my name is Danny Gonzalez

I'm writing to alert you to the fact that the historic pro-troop "Fight for Victory Tour" is coming to your neck of the woods.

With the commander of U.S. troops in Iraq required to submit the progress report on "the surge" of U.S. troops in Iraq on September 15th, Move America Forward (the nation's largest pro-troop organization) is organizing a massive public effort to show support for our troops and their missions in the war against Islamic jihadists.

Move America Forward will be holding 27 pro-troop rallies along the route of the patriotic, pro-troop caravan. We are holding a pro-troop rally in your city as part of the "Fight for Victory Tour."

This is the 4th such national pro-troop caravan Move America Forward has organized, and tens of thousands of Americans have turned out for these past events. This time we will also be collecting cards, letters and notes from your listeners and pro-troop Americans that we will be delivering to our troops at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington , D.C. - who are recovering from injuries they sustained in the war.

We will be in Sacramento on Sept 3 and holding our rally in the State Capitol Park (Intersection of 14th and N St. ) at 1:15 PM.

If you are a supporter please do whatever you can to make sure this event has the maximum turnout and get as much media attention as possible. We need to tell our friends who we know support the troops, alert local representatives who support the war on terror, post the details on our blogs and organizational calendars, contact local groups that are supportive such as VFW and other veterans organizations, and finally call our local media (tv, paper, radio) and make sure they do not brush this off as unimportant.

The people in this country who believe in our troops have been ignored far too long. The media needs to know that we do not buy this defeatist attitude that liberals everywhere have been shelling out. It is time that we expose the shameless manipulation of the hardship our troops are going through for the political gain of the far left!

If you would like to help please visit for more information or give us a call at

(916) 441 – 3734 ext. 223

Thank YOU!


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Since no one appears to know what victory is, I will not be going.

  2. No one?

    You have no imagination, a small mind.

  3. There's not much chance they're coming through here, since they're going from Columbus to DC (they're probably taking I-70 and the PA turnpike, about an hour and a half south of here). They're publishing the route so anybody can join the caravan, but so far, they only have it done up to Texas. If it turns out they're taking I-80, I'll join them when they come through.
