Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Contact With People Whose Views You Find Offensive

Read this short piece.

No, seriously, go read it. Focus on the closing question.

Have you read it yet?


Now ask yourself, would the lefties agree that Darren shouldn't have to have contact with unions?

No, I didn't think so, either.


  1. Refusing to do one's job because someone expresses an opposing view from yours is childish and idiotic. As far as contact with those opposing viewpoints, well, aren't those the ones we learn from? How do you test your beliefs when everyone agrees with you? I read this blog every day. Sometimes I agree, more often I am furious, but I ALWAYS get a chance to consider some viewpoint that I might not have otherwise encountered.

  2. And, Tony, you always comment with in a rational and civil manner. I welcome that here.

    Queen, as long as I teach in California, I'll be surrounded by unions.

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I wonder what would happen on that campus if a store clerk refused to serve someone wearing a gay pride t-shirt, or a Palestine support shirt.

    Which is what usually makes me think: "no one should have to have contact with people whose views they find hurtful" my grandma's knitted knickers. What they really mean is "no one should have to have contact with RIGHT WINGERS."

  4. And Erica wins today's "Duh!" Award for stating what was unsaid but patently obvious.

    I have a t-shirt that has a big 70's-style yellow smiley face on it and the words, "Imagine No Liberals". I doubt that girl would ring up my total, either.

    I can't believe anyone would support her. "I don't ring up blacks." See how far that goes.

  5. Hey, can I avoid people who offend me? Because parent/teacher conferences would be reallllly short.

  6. What about class sizes? :-)

  7. Anonymous6:57 AM

    What can I say, I'm good with the obvious.

  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I would have said "Thanks for the lunch" and sat down to eat.
