Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Charter School Closed

In this post I wrote about an Oakland charter school that faked documents--for example, a teacher's record didn't match a report card and neither matched the student's transcript, among other problems.

The school has been closed by its governing board. This is a good example for other schools that want to cheat and lie. It's unfortunate for those students who are innocent bystanders in this mess--truly it is--but how else do you reinforce the lesson that lying and cheating as that school did are crimes?


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Typo alert. "The school has been closed by it's governing board"

    That should be its, not it's.

    And I'm not even a teacher!

  2. Good catch. How embarrassing!

    And yes, I *do* know what's correct. I just didn't proofread well enough.


  3. Anonymous9:24 PM

    The closing of this charter school is a good thing. This shows how accountability should work in government schools. Problem is, no matter what goes on, the government school never closes.
    Charter schools - whether they do well or not - are a model for accountability...year to year. It's too bad that government schools that do these same kinds of things are still open...year to year.
