Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"Real World Applications" of Supreme Court Decisions

Here are two posts from this week's Carnival of Education, posts which relate to two of the Supreme Court cases decided this past term--the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case and the Louisville and Seattle so-called desegregation cases.

The first was about the free speech of students at a school-sponsored event. Clearly, the school can regulate such speech. What, though, about speech that doesn't occur at school? What if the speech is on a student's own blog? This post discusses that topic and the first commenter, obviously with a brilliant mind, extends the subject somewhat.

The next post I'll link to combines desegregation and some NCLB-like ratings for a failed school, to wit: if a mostly white (or mostly Catholic) school doesn't encourage racial (or religious) mixing, then that school is automatically labeled as "failing". If you thought such stupidity stopped at the western edge of the Atlantic, you'd be mistaken.


  1. I wonder if this public school on our side of the pond would be considered "failing" for the segregation issue or "passing" for accommodating religion in school?

  2. Accommodating religion isn't enough--they've got to insist on kids of different religions mixing. Think religious desegregation!

  3. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Point of Information...
    On this side of the pond, and according to the USA's public school mandate - NCLB - we do not use the word FAILING to describe any school, no matter how low performing it may be.
    While the UK may choose to label schools this way, there is no mention of the phrase - FAILING SCHOOL - in our law.
