Friday, July 06, 2007

Oops, I Did It Again

Three and a half years ago, two student-editors of the high school paper approached me and and asked if I'd write an opinion piece for them. I did, it made international news, and about 8 months later my principal and I came to an agreement "ending hostilities". The district insisted on having a provision in the agreement saying I'm not allowed to divulge the details of said agreement.

Looks like I've created a bit of a controversy again, only this time in the blogosphere. And I wasn't even trying to.

If you know of any other blog posts on this topic, please send them to me. Not that I intend to go after people for copyright violations, but there are a lot of people out there using my photographs on their blogs, without attribution. At least The Manolo gave me credit!


  1. Way for folks to make fun of a septuagenarian with a past knee injury which pretty leads to the requirement of waearing comfortable shoes.

    But, I suppose there really isn't a whole lot of other 'dirt' on the guy so the rabid must attack his shoes.

  2. For those of us not familiar with the earlier controversy, could you direct us to information about it?

  3. Copyright infringement! And it seems to me you might have a second career brewing as a celeb/fashion photog. You are the man.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Greg, I've decided against it. To give you a flavor, though, I called it A Modest Proposal.

    And Phyllis S., there's not much that could interest me less than being a fashion or celebrity photographer. I merely saw something (innocently) that struck my interest, took a picture of it, and mentioned it on my blog. That this post is the one to take on a life of its own is moderately disappointing. I have so many others in which I put energy, thought, and intellect.

  6. Well Darren look on the bright side. Yes, the fact that this post made headlines over more important ones is kind of sad (in a Paris Hilton topping headlines sort of way) but maybe it will bring more people to your blog. Hopefully those people will then take a minute and read some of your posts that have more substance and you are passionate about.

  7. Well *that* sure is a glass-half-full way of looking at it! Unfortunately, only The Manolo linked or gave credit to me and my blog--and my site hits certainly jumped.

    But I sense a compliment in your comment--thank you. If you didn't mean a compliment, don't tell me!

  8. I suppose I need some work on giving compliments then because, yes, I did mean it as a compliment.
