Saturday, July 07, 2007

New Wonders of the World

I don't see what makes Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue more of a wonder than the Eiffel Tower, but other than that, it's a pretty good list.

From a link that probably won't be active for too long:

The seven beat out 14 other nominated landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Easter Island in the Pacific, the Statue of Liberty, the Acropolis, Russia's Kremlin and Australia's Sydney Opera House.


  1. I don't see what makes Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue more of a wonder than the Eiffel Tower

    There are more Brazilians then French?

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I really wanted Easter Island and the Statue of Liberty to win... but I'm glad Macchu Pichu finally got something

  3. I think Hagia Sophia would have been a better selection than the Christ statue. I also think that Mesa Verde should have been included. Let's face it-like everything else lately this is more of a political contest than one of which actual "wonders" exist.

  4. I don't see the Statue of Liberty as a "wonder". However, it didn't deserve to be booed by those freakin' Portuguese, either.

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Well, how is the Great Wall of China any more of a wonder than the statue of liberty?

    By the way everybody, you can nominate places here for the upcoming "7 Natural Wonders of the World" awards.

  6. By virtue of its sheer size and when it was built.

  7. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I think there can be other things that constitute a wonder, though.

  8. I think it's confusing that there were sites that most people would consider ancient such as the Acropolis, the Great Wall and the Taj Mahal alongside things I would consider modern such as the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera House, the Statue of Liberty and the Christ Redeemer statue. The case could be made for Seven Wonders from Antiquity (1000 BCE to 400 CE) and another category for Modern Wonders which would include more milestone architecture and engineering. It's a roll of the dice with too much information to really do a decent job. Wow, booing a statue. I guess next time around I will boo the Great Wall based on political views. What a biased and stupid reaction is that?

  9. EllenK, how dare you even question our European betters!

  10. Am I the only person alive who wonders why we need a "new" list?

  11. The old one was the Seven Wonders of the *Ancient* World.

    Chichen Itza', Machu Picchu, and the Great Wall aren't ancient, and neither are any of the others.

    This list is harmless fun. I don't have a problem with it.

  12. I don't know about regular history but in art history there is "prehistory to ancient" which is pretty much up to the end of Greece. Then there is Antiquity, which is Rome through the fall of Rome and into the Middle Ages. Then there is "modern" which is the Renaissance and beyond. Frankly, I think the case cold be made for "David" to be included, or the "Mona Lisa" for that matter. Unless it's something larger than life, which some of these structures are and other are not, then it's just political babbling.
