Thursday, July 12, 2007

A New Visitor at RightOnTheLeftCoast?

click to enlarge

I must admit, I've never seen a reader from here before. Should I expect thoughtful consideration of my points, or goons showing up at my door?


  1. Guess you got their attention.

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The fact that this visitor was on for 1 hour and 34 minutes is a sign that (1) they're preparing a vicious multi-page rebuttal, (2) they're calling up the goons, or (3) they fell asleep. Or some combination of those.

  3. Darren...

    For some reason I keep getting the old 80s song "There's somebody watching me" going through my head. Best have someone else start your car for the next few weeks.

  4. Anonymous11:47 AM

    it was probably that one dude takin a look at the pic u took of his shoes

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    If you want to find someone who is REALLY upset with a large organization (corporation, government, union, etc.) you will find that person at that organization.

    So it could be you just have a new, best friend...

  6. Clearly an iconoclast. They were using "gotta download it yourself" Firefox instead of the "massive organization approved" Internet Explorer.

  7. Eh. I get hits from So far, they haven't sent the moonbat squad after me with giant puppets.

  8. They are probably trying find talking points for Hillary by taking a 180 degree opposite view.

  9. I bet the person on your site for that long was probably a highly paid professional. We know they wouldn't waste our money on a useless pursuit.

  10. Anonymous8:22 AM

    that person probably got here from manolo's blog, looking at Ron Paul's hideous shoes.

  11. As you can see in the picture, there was *not* a referring link--not from or anywhere else.

    And they came back again.

    I guess I shouldn't have tipped my hand and let them know I was aware. This is exactly why the Brits didn't light up the German aircraft with (secret) radar in the days leading up to WWII.

  12. Can you block them from your web page ? :-)

  13. Not sure I want to. Do you remember that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode (I think it was called I, Borg) where the Enterprise crew found a stranded Borg? They knew the Borg would send a ship to recover him, and they thought about putting a type of computer virus in this Borg so that when he joined the Collective, the virus would spread and the Borg would be destroyed.

    Maybe I can be that virus ;-)
