Monday, July 09, 2007

It Couldn't Happen To A More Deserving University

SAN FRANCISCO — Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court against officials of San Francisco State University, where the administration forced the College Republicans to stand trial for “the desecration of Allah” because they stepped on Hamas and Hezbollah flags in political protest at an anti-terrorism rally.

“America’s colleges and universities should recognize the constitutional rights of Christian and politically conservative students just as they do for all other students,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel David French, who heads the ADF Center for Academic Freedom. “Officials at San Francisco State are required to respect the U.S. Constitution, which protects the right to free speech in exactly these kinds of situations.”

I'm not always convinced the Constitution applies in San Francisco, but I'm glad this lawsuit has been filed.


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    What?! California is part of the United States?! Come on! What's the evidemce for that proposition?

  2. If burning the US flag is free speech, how can stepping on a foreign flag be desecration? Glad somebody is taking this to court.

  3. I personally was kind of hoping that the Dems would pass through the New "Fairness" doctrine just to see the discomfiture of the ACLU lawyers having to represent the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Talk about your media circus....

  4. I hadn't considered the ACLU angle. That *would* be interesting.

  5. If California were ever to be split into two states, north and south isn't the way to go. Geographically and politically, the correct split would be (crazy liberal) Coastal California and (moderately conservative) Inland California.

  6. If Cali splits then I want Texas to use it's constitutional right to split into five states. Maybe if we don't have to deal with the nuts in the Valley and the Yellow Dogs in East Texas, we could make some headway on a few things.
