Thursday, July 26, 2007

Done With The Potter Book

I'm done--less than two days. I haven't done too much else but read in that time, either!

I liked the fact that Rowling tied up every loose end--can't stand ambiguous endings.

There was a death in the book that really saddened me. I once nicknamed a student after one character, and this character's death was so unnecessary. The character died with honor, though.

Didn't think the story was all that great. It was certainly not the best of the bunch. I did like the ending, though--I'm a sucker for happy endings.


  1. You might want to read my comments now that you are done. I thought the ending was a little too precious. But then again, this was meant to be a children's book. And unlike the children in Dickens' time, ours must be sheltered from the cruel realities of life. Even when they are living them.

  2. I thought the epilogue was a little cheesy. It seemed to me like she only made it to avoid a billion questions in interviews and countless fanfiction stories from being made.

  3. I enjoyed the epilogue--I'll take cheese over ambiguity any day.

  4. Anonymous7:51 PM

    So who died? I don't plan on reading it. Just tell me. No one else will read it if you post it - trust me! So just between you, me, and the few other hundred people who read your blog - who died?

    I've not read the books. But I sure wish I could get two days of quiet to read anything! Wow, that would be fabulous.

  5. No quiet? I guess your sister's not gone yet :-)

    I'm not going to post any spoilers here. Email me if you want to know who died.

  6. I think you may be confusing me and the other Eric. Time to change the display name.

  7. Especially since he has the same last initial as you do!

  8. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Sorry. I think the other Eric has been here longer than me. I meant to post as ET, but I forgot!

    From now on I'll try to remember to post as "ET". That should do the trick even though our initials are the same.

    Interestingly, I've not met another "ET" before. Wow, another alien is out there!

  9. One of my favorites died as well...and a few others as well. And I'm a sucker for a happy ending too. Honestly, I think she left it open for a spin-off series...

  10. Email me with your favorite who died, and I'll reply with mine. Email info can be gleaned from the Profile.
