Monday, July 16, 2007

All You Need To Know About the NEA

From this week's EIA Communique:

Resolution E-9 now begins, "The National Education Association believes that federal and state mandates regarding school programs should be broad, general guidelines, must be fully funded, and must not be based on student achievement."


  1. In other words, give us the money, don't hold us accountable for how it's used, don't worry about whether the money is going to the classroom where it is needed, just trust us. And finally don't look at that man behind the curtain, we have a great track record, listen to us, don't believe what you see. That statement is the heighth of arrogance. It is clear this union has too much power and has cowed the Democrats. Until this union is dismantled the public students in this country will continue to be ripped off. As their lackeys chanted, "Shame on them."

  2. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I can't believe they would admit it so blatantly.

  3. Let's see how it works the other way:

    "The National Education Association believes that federal and state mandates regarding school programs should be specific, tightly-focused requirements, must be funded so as to encourage maximum efficiency, and must be based on student achievement."

    Where's the focus on the dues-paying membership in a position like that? The emphasis is on the needs and requirements of the tax-paying public. If that's what you're interested in you don't have to be paying dues to the union.
