Wednesday, June 06, 2007

No Child Left Behind Act Having An Impact?

A new report says that it very well could be.

The study's authors warned that it is difficult to say whether or how much the No Child Left Behind law is driving the achievement gains. But Republican and Democratic supporters of the law said the findings indicate that it has been a success. Some said the findings bolster the odds that Congress will renew the controversial law this year...

"No Child Left Behind, though, is clearly part of the mix of reforms whose fruit we are now seeing."

Joanne has some thoughts, and the Education Intelligence Agency (see blogroll at left for both) contributes this sad but true comment:

We haven't heard from NEA yet about the report, and I suspect it's because they're wordsmithing the proper combination of taking credit for higher scores while denying NCLB pressure had anything to do with them.


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Supporters of NCLB claim that it is a success? Stop the presses! I suspect that a significant portion of the work effort at the federal DOE is engaged in generating "proof" that everything they do is slicker than sliced bread. That doesn't mean that when they make that sort of assertion they are absolutely mendacious, just that Ronald Reagan was right when he said that the closest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on Earth is a government program (or agency). Such agencies, above all else, work to ensure their own growth and the aquisition of more and more power. How big of a grain of salt do you suppose we'd need to take for this one?

  2. The study was done by the independent Center on Education Policy, not by the Department of Education or any other government entity.

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    So, they're not supporters of the legislation then?

  4. Anonymous7:10 PM

    The most exciting and miraculous aspect of the success of NCLB is that it has managed to be successful IN SPITE of the NEA/CTA, of which the Democrat Party is merely a subdivision!!!

  5. Mike, read again what I quoted from the Washington Post story. Your question is answered there. RTP. RTFP.
