Friday, June 22, 2007

I Have A New Guilty Pleasure

It's that collection of online ads known as the Best of Craigslist. Some are hilarious.

Update: Liar, liar, pants on fire. This one is clearly a plant by lefties, a fake. How can I be so sure? Because it's titled "From an Angry Soldier", but the author identifies herself as a Marine. No Marine would ever, ever, refer to him/herself as a soldier. They are Marines. And yes, to real military people the distinction is a big deal. And isn't it just a coincidence that it was originally posted in the SF Bay Area part of Craigslist?


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    You may think that because you don't like what you see, but it's time to face the music. It's a terrible and failed war.

  2. Doesn't change the fact that this particular post is clearly a fraud. Apparently those on the left can't come up with any real examples and therefore have to fabricate such tales.

  3. Tell you what, why don't you post a list of non-terrible, successful wars.

    It's hard to take you seriously if your standard of comparison is a mystery.

  4. Allen, I assume you're directing your comment at anonymous.
