Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The "Father" of Climate Science Says... warming is "hooey".

Hat tip, as is so often the case when I mention global warming, to Kerplunk.

Update: Chinese hold up index fingers and chant, We're Number 1!

China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer of carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas, figures released today show...

The announcement comes as international negotiations to produce a new climate treaty to succeed the Kyoto protocol when it expires in 2012 are delicately poised. The US refused to ratify Kyoto partly because it made no demands on China, and one major sticking point of the new negotiations has been finding a way to include both nations, as well as other rapidly developing economies such as India and Brazil.


  1. You'll like today's Dilbert...

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    The linked article an amusing, "Man bites dog," human-interest story. Read it through to the end; it evolves into a slightly more responsible article as it goes on.

    Let me guess: the author couldn't get it past The Man unless the article toed the mainstream line by the end. Goshdarn liberal media--and here you're linking to it from your site!

  3. Gets more "responsible", or more leftie? I go with the latter.

    And yes, I link to it. You seem surprised. I sometimes like to the SF Chronicle, the SF Examiner, and the Boston Globe, too, among others.

  4. And I often link to CNN.

  5. "It's like there is an elephant charging in and you worry about the fact that there is a fly sitting on its head. It's just a total misplacement of emphasis,"

    Now THAT is a wonderful analogy to describe the stupidity that is the Church of Global Warming.
