Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another Reason I Don't Believe The Global Warming Crowd

While we'd all like to see less pollution, that's not their primary goal (the elites, that is). They want total government control over everything, with themselves in charge. What makes me think this, besides the fact that I'm right? =) Because they don't like any of the currently available remedies.


  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Well, you're right and Dubya and all the Republican presidential candidates and the overwhelming majority of climate scientists are wrong.

    That's got to be a heavy burden to shoulder.

    And it's funny to see a right-winger whine about "elites...who want total government control over everything, with themselves in charge." That would make them different from the Imperial Bush Administration how...?

  2. Good ploy. Don't address anything I've written, set up a straw man, and attack *that*. Typical liberal.

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    They're doing that to us here in CA (unsurprisingly). We're ok'ed to build the giant solar array....

    ... we're forbidden to build the lines to get the power from the giant solar array TO anywhere. Endangered pond scum leech or something.

  4. The nuclear power plant at Glen Rose in Texas was so opposed by eco-terror groups that its online date was delayed by three years and the extra costs for testing and trials ran up the expenses three fold. Frankly I am getting to the point that I think the Global Warming folks are so delusional that they believe Star Trek and its ilk are real and that we can do things magically. What I still find maddening, especially in light of the wonderful media coverage we have had today of the Rich and Famous, is that the same econuts that infiltrate school books and frighten children about the coming End of the World, give a free pass to celebrities-as long as the celebrities say the "correct things" in regard to the environment. I am sure that Paris Hilton lives in a house that is a model of evironmental engineering-what with the gray water dispersal system and such....oh puhleez.
