Wednesday, May 23, 2007

University Bookstore Pulls Calendar of University Women

They were doing a business course project, earning money for their "company", covering all their naughty parts, but...

UW Business School Dean James Jiambalvo said a few people from outside the business school have complained that the calendar objectified women. An associate dean will be meeting with the course instructor to discuss the group's project.

Of course. Objectified women. I think we can all pretty much guess what any woman complainers might look like, and what kind of hair style they might wear.

Go check out the slutty capitalists here. See if you think these student volunteers are being objectified.

I would like to learn that the business school dean told those whiners to pound sand, but I doubt that's the case since the course instructor will be appropriately chastised and reeducated. That's the Seattle way.

I'm encouraged by one point, though:

Although the students would like the bookstore to keep them on the shelves, they are willing to take the calendars back for a fee that would help cover the costs of producing them, Meissner said.

The students and the bookstore have a purchase contract, he said, and students would like it to be honored.

Let's hope it is.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I believe after years of research and exposure I've started to break the feminest code.

    You see, if you sleep with everyone in sight for free, you're empowered. If you take pictures of the same thing and sell them, you're oppressed.

    It's not really the sexuality they're objecting to, it's the capitalism.

  2. Jetgirl, wow! I've never really thought of it that way, but it's now crystal clear. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I had a chance to look at the calender, that's not even PG-13.

  4. "I think we can all pretty much guess what any woman complainers might look like, and what kind of hair style they might wear."

    Only ugly women (with short hair? bad hair?) are feminists? Wow, way to pose a reasoned argument.

  5. You miss my point, perhaps intentionally.

    But way to challenge the entire goings-on by getting huffy over one sentence of commentary that I provided. Sheesh.
