Monday, May 14, 2007

Substitute Shows 'Brokeback Mountain' In Class?

Claiming that a substitute teacher showed the R-rated “Brokeback Mountain” in class, a 12-year-old Chicago girl’s family has filed suit claiming she suffered psychological distress from watching male cowboys (OK, shepherds) have sex with each other. The girl and her grandparents are seeking more than $400,000 in damages. That’s a lot of trauma.


Can any adult conclude that that movie is appropriate for 12-year-olds? If so, are there any movies that are not appropriate for 12-year-olds? (I await lefties and their listings of any patriotic-themed movie.)


  1. Obviously a bad move on the sub's part, but $400,000? Come on. To quote Mr Miller, "Dee dee dee boo boo boo."

  2. Actually, Eric, it's "dee tee tee boo poo poo."

  3. Anonymous10:18 PM

    hmm...i'm sure that $400,ooo in "emotional damages" is going to repare the "financial damages"...hell...might even buy her parents new cars, clothing, and make the daughter a spoiled little bitch that we will all want to smack like a "certain someone" at our school

  4. I agree that the lawsuit is a bit over the top, but in the case of universities, lawsuits are the only thing that makes them back down.

  5. "Time Bandits" is not appropriate for 12 year olds. It's not appropriate for any ages frankly. It has been 20+ odd years since I have seen the movie, and I still regret wasting 2 hours of my life.
