Thursday, May 31, 2007

Human Shields In Iraq

I love this comment from this post:

Substitute every trash-talking lefty for that boy, and you get a stark demonstration of their moral worth.
The picture is worth at least a thousand words.


  1. This picture is instructive of a couple of things. First, when the fear factor is at its highest, humans react instinctively. What do think the instincts of this boy told him about who to trust with his safety? The second is in regards to the fact that the polls that so conveniently say the Americans are not wanted by the Iraqi people are about as bogus as most of the other coverage of the MSM.

  2. What, exactly, is a "trash-talking lefty"?

  3. A redundant phrase :-)

  4., just about anyone on the street in San Francisco, denizens of Huffington Post or MyDD or Democratic Underground or Daily Kos...

  5. OMG, Darren, that's a lot of people!

  6. When push comes to shove, innocent people know who to run to for safety. And it isn't Al-sadr or the Taliban. in fact the resistance is growing in Iran to the heavy handed role of the sharia courts. These mullahs have effectively turned back time and recreated the same dark ages that brought them to living a nomadic life in tents. There are great people from that part of the world and they deserve better government than the theocracy brought about by the absence of leadership during the Carter presidency. There. I have said it and I am glad. All these problems go back to Carter's escapades with compartmentalizing our national security and was further hampered by Clinton's misuse of agencies and division of power that caused enormous security vacuums opening us up to 9/11, which if people will recall, was ten years in planning. What will the next ten years bring if we have another touchy-feely president in office. I would prefer a reincarnation of Patton, or at least McArthur.

  7. Yes it is, sadly.
