Monday, May 14, 2007

Does the CTA Practice What It Preaches?

Via the May 14th EIA Communique (see blogroll at left):

Quote of the Week. "In the past few months, CTA has ignored clear contract language, the intent of contract language, the basic tenets of a union member's rights, and employer's obligation. The procedure of due process is constantly disregarded by CTA management." (emphasis in original) – from the latest grievance committee report of the California Associate Staff, the union representing support employees of the California Teachers Association. (May 2007 CAS Connection, page 19)

If you're a California teacher and you're still a member of the CTA, shame on you. (Updated link here.)


  1. Yesterday I filed a suit against CTA.
    It's on my website,
    The link is one the upper left.
    Maura Larkins

  2. Excellent. Makes me wish I understood legalese!
