Friday, May 25, 2007

Air Force Academy Cadets Are Wussies

From the local Colorado Springs (God's country) paper:

“The snow is still waist-deep in places, and we just got more today,” Taylor, the caretaker at Barr Camp, said Wednesday. Every day, she warns people that the trail is buried.

Some climbers listen — she persuaded a dozen Texans in jeans to turn back Sunday. But some climbers don’t. Two Air Force Academy cadets headed up to the summit Tuesday. They became stranded above treeline and had to be rescued by helicopter Wednesday morning.

As the friend who sent me the link wrote, "I blame global warming! :) ALGORE where are U! :))"


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Woosies now? Just so you know, they sent 3 teams on foot to rescue them and none made it because of the snow. They finally had to turn to a the Air Force Search and Rescue outfit from Buckley to save them. However, they probably should have looked at the weather before they took off. Dying from hypothemia can be pretty depressing a week before you graduate. It snowed here the day before yesterday. There really is nothing like a snow storm in May. Where was global warming while I was out for mandatory PT at 0530 each day this week. Brutal.

  2. I think I misspelled a word. Should it be "wussies"? Yes, I think so. I'll correct it.

    Anyway, I didn't see any reports about *army* guys' having to be rescued!
