Monday, April 09, 2007

Justice *Should* Be Blind

Instead, this idiot wants justice to look at race, color, etc. Why else would judges need to look like certain people?

Honestly, if you believe that race, color, or sex influences your judgement, why can't you believe that those attributes also influence your intellect? or your honesty? or your value as a human?

Will Hispanic judges only judge fellow Hispanics? If not, then what does it matter if Hispanics are over-represented or under-represented in the judiciary?

Here's another example of liberals' looking at people as members of groups, and I as a conservative wanting to look at people as individuals. If you see me only as a white male, you know nothing about who and what I am. With those descriptors I'm no different from John Kerry or Jimmy Carter, and to Hell with anyone who thinks I have anything in common with those men.

1 comment:

  1. Here's another example of liberals' looking at people as members of groups, and I as a conservative wanting to look at people as individuals.

    Indeed. Not only looking at people as members of a group but promoting the idea of differential legal status that's dependent on group identity. It's not so much that lefties have a problem with Jim Crow laws as it is that those laws were not enacted by lefties.
