Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Witch, and Something That Rhymes With It

And she didn't even turn me into a newt. (If she did, I got bet'ah.)

CENTRAL ISLIP, New York (AP) -- A teacher who alleged that she was fired from her job because administrators thought she was a witch lost her $2 million lawsuit in U.S. District Court on Tuesday.

The jury deliberated for an hour before deciding that Lauren Berrios, 37, wasn't entitled to any money from the Hampton Bays school district, her ex-employer. The trial began March 7.

Maybe she could have peered into her crystal ball and foreseen the future. Or read some goat entrails. Or something.

I'm sure some will view those comments as insensitive towards Wiccans. They aren't meant to be. They're meant to be jokes with a foundation in the historical Western presentation of witch. The fact that I feel I have to say that to stave off whining says much about how I view our culture today.


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    You must mean Ann Coulter.

  2. You lefties *really* don't like her, do you? =)

    Nice try, though.

  3. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I'm a registered Republican, but even you should admit that she's a tad... er... "off the rocker." :)

  4. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Goat entrails....that's funny right there.

  5. She's not off her rocker. Over the top, yes, but not nuts.

  6. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I love the way people always say things like, Im a Republican BUT, I love the USA but, I am all for free speach BUT.
    Its really funny how some people have to state somthing in their defense before their comment. (Im sure I am guilty of it every once in a while)

  7. I normally agree with carson, BUT not this time.

  8. So how come they thought she was a witch? Did she have a pointy hat or a warty nose? Did she weigh more than a duck? Why would anyone's personal religious beliefs come into play in a classroom? Unless she went overboard and discussed it at length in the classroom, I don't know how anyone would figure it out. Although there was a case in a small Texas town last year where a girl was expelled because she wore a pentagram necklace. She and her mom were both witched. Luckily for them the Baptist Women's Club was busy with a bake sale that week so they couldn't find time to chop down a stake.
