Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What Kind of Person Am I?

I'm the kind of person who has to wipe away a tear when reading this story.


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Damn. The picture alone was sufficient to start my tears rolling.

  2. Hooah! That is too cool!

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Good for the kid, good for Make-a-Wish, and good for the Rangers.

    Great story.

  4. It really hits home, when kids who have so much more to deal with in their lives, KNOW who the real heroes are in this world. I know kids that worship celebrities and all they do. What a shame that so few kids will ever have the clarity of this one very sick young man. I wish him the best. It is a tragic disease. I lost a student to it the year before last. To look at her, you would never know she was sick and that was how she wanted it, but her mother said that her entire chest and back were scarred from surgeries, procedures and the things they had to do for her to make it through the day. One day she simply stopped coming to school any more. And after that, it was quick. I am glad that this organization works so hard to help these kids enjoy what life they have. Another I support is St. Judes-my cousin is a pediatric oncologist there. They work miracles, even if some of them are only for a short time.
