Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Walter Reed = Socialized Medicine

As it was in the Great Britain,
Is now and ever shall be.

I quote now from Instapundit (see blogroll at left), who quotes Ron Bailey:


You Wonder What Universal Government Health Care Might Look Like....

Well, look no further than the scandalous mess at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Crappy hospitals, endless waits, mountains of paperwork and, at the end of the day, no real accountability from the people who run the joint. Folks, if the government can't or won't take good care of our injured soldiers, what makes you think that it will take good care of little Sally or Uncle Bill?

Health care in the United States is screwed up. This is largely due to bad government policies, e.g., third party payment encouraged through the tax code and multiplying state insurance mandates that unnecessarily boost costs. As the example of Walter Reed is warning us, putting total control of all health care in the hands of those who wrecked it in first place--Congress, states and federal agencies--is the wrong way to go. (Boldface mine--Darren)



  1. I can't say that I don't agree with you.

    If the government can't treat wonded warriors with dignity, what's going to happen to the general public?

  2. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Now, don't think the following question means I support socialized medicine. I tend to agree with you on it - shocking, I know. But if you think that the government shouldn't run universal state agencies, then why do you work for a universal state agency?

  3. Ah, Eric, seeing if I'll live up to the "hypocritical" billing.

    I'm a teacher because
    1. I like the schedule,
    2. I feel a sense of satisfaction doing the job I do,
    3. the job gives me plenty of time to spend with my son, and
    4. the state pays more than private schools do.

    Let's not forget, I'm in this for me and my son. You students are my *next* priority--and I tell your parents that on Back To School Night.

    I support universal public education. It's a laudable goal, articulated in the state constitution. I don't, however, always support public schools. I believe in the voucher concept.

    Do you find that answer satisfactory?

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Yes, I suppose so. I had always been curious about that.

  5. It was a reasonable question. It, and my answer, sort of remind me of a question I asked a chaplain during my first summer at West Point: how do you reconcile being a Christian with being in the military? His answer was exceptional, but I liked the ending, which I can paraphrase to answer yours: can you imagine a government agency without conservatives in it?
