Thursday, March 15, 2007

Teaching About Burqas

Let's say, for instance, that a school has its female students wear burqas as part of a lesson. What would that lesson be, do you think? Would it be about how women are devalued in some cultures? Would it be how oppressed women are in some cultures?

No, of course not. It would be about how intolerant American high school students are towards people dressed like the people with whom we're in a war.

As Charles at LGF (see blogroll at left) says:

They’re so focused on teaching these kids “tolerance,” they don’t even see the blatant misogyny of the burqa.

There are people who want us to lose this war, and many of them are American.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I never cease to be fascinated, and appalled, by the Left's endless capacity for self-deception. Should their attempts to keep America from defending its citizens against Islamic Fascists prevail, do they imagine that the Islamists will have any appreciation for their pet issues or victim groups? In fact, gays, women, intellectuals and anyone practicing "tolerance" would be among the first to be slaughtered.

  2. True that (as they say).

  3. So we should do as others would, even if we think it wrong? Because some might be intolerant so should we? Goes well with "Eye for an eye..."

  4. e, I'm not sure I understand your point.

  5. " has its female students wear burqas"

    What do you think would happen if instead of burqas they had them wear the crucifix or Star of David symbols on clothing?

    I'd bet the intolerant left would have a "holy cow".

  6. It's a head covering that strict Muslims require women to wear. It covers everything but has a small slit for the eyes--and sometimes that has a veil over it.

  7. My comment was referring to they imagine that the Islamists will have any appreciation for their pet issues or victim groups?
    My point was that what we believe they would do is irrelevant to how we behave. I guess it was not directly related to your post. To compensate: the lesson with wearing burkas could be about any number of things. The ones you mention, oppressing women, treating them as second class citizens, misunderstanding or not understanding other cultures, are some of them. Some women who choose to wear a burka claim that it allows them freedom that they don't have otherwise. If you ever walked by a construction crew in a mini skirt, you might know what they are talking about. People often form often incorrect opinions based solely on women's appearance. Having a cover avoids that. Now, you shouldn't get me wrong. I don't support wearing burkas, or crucifixes, or crosses, or kipas. Anyhow, these conversations are most of the time pointless since people have hard time changing their opinions :)

  8. I still find myself amazed that the political leftists in Hollywood support regimes that would target them for extermination with little regret. I also find it hard to believe that someone would find it a positive experience to subject to burkas in order to make them more sympathetic. What next? Perhaps dietary constraints? Why stop there, why not include arranged marriages and female circumcision in the mix? Once again, you do not have to be blind to empathize with a blind student, you don't have to be a minority to understand racism is wrong. But instead of accepting these ideas, too many well meaning liberals think that they must make kids "live the experience" in order to understand. I have no problem with a student wearing a burka or not. I do expect all students to wear pants or a skirt to class. I think that's the least they can do.
