Monday, March 12, 2007

Some of the Interesting People Who Read This Blog

Joanne Jacobs (see blogroll at left) warned me that stat counters are addictive, and for me at least, she couldn't be more right! I get some of the coolest information from that counter, including the searches people used to find my site and the locations of viewers. I was pretty impressed with the information in the following screen dump:

Additionally, I periodically get hits from a domain, meaning at least one of our soldiers in Korea sometimes takes a peek here. I've also had a hit from the California State Senate and one from the Whole Foods domain (amazingly enough, reading a post in which I mentioned Whole Foods). I have a fan in Reston, VA, who comes here daily, and once in awhile I get a reader in a place near and dear to my heart, Port Angeles, WA. I've also been able to identify some of my regular readers in Sacramento, Hawaii, the Air Force Academy, and Texas.

Once in awhile I get hits from Britain and Australia, but they don't seem to stay long. Probably not a lot to interest them, what with my US politics and US education focus. I don't want to take anything away from my compatriots in the Anglosphere, though--please keep coming back!

I think I spend too much time checking the stat counter. I'll cut down.

Starting next week =)

Update, 3/13/07: This morning I found a reader from the US Department of Education. Welcome!


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    You use Firefox? You're a good man.

    Windows 98, though. That'll take me a while to work through.

  2. Win ME, actually.

    Not that that's any better :-)

    In my defense, though, I went computer shopping this weekend. Easier to just upgrade the whole system, given that my computer is *at least* 5 years old.

  3. And yes, I am a good man--but not because I use Firefox :-)

  4. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Get a Mac mini. It's $599. Just your price range.

  5. When you get Firefox 2.0 installed
    There is a great Addon
    Image Zoom
    I got 5 years out my Dell,
    had to end up installing XP last year.
    It still works, but I will probably have to get a new computer this year.
    Does work on a Mac?

  6. Anonymous10:09 PM

    If it's open source, it probably does, or at least it will soon.

  7. I get a lot of "Reston, VA" hits also got from many different TCP/IP addresses.

    Wonder if it's the same guy/gal?

    Glad your enjoying statcounter. It IS addictive.

  8. Maybe it's the CIA keeping tabs on us!
