Friday, March 09, 2007

San Francisco State University Is A Disgrace--Or Worse

Today College Republicans go on trial at San Francisco State for stepping on flag pictures to show their rejection of terrorism.

Joanne's got more information here. I won't comment further, as that school is beneath contempt. I would have nothing but bile and vitriol to say.

Update, 3/10/07: Apparently, I'm not the only one with bile and vitriol. One professor believes that every Zionist--not terrorist, not criminal, but Zionist (however you want to define that)--should have a bullet in his head. Is it any wonder the SFSU College Republicans are on "trial" for merely walking on a Hezbollah flag that they themselves brought to a rally?


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    SFSU is my sister's top choice for colleges. Figures.

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Why does the left always seem to figure that there is a warm and cuddly side to everyone and that terrorists are really just misunderstood. I also wonder what the SFSU would say to the burning of the Stars and Stipes, I doubt they would be upset.

  3. Actually, they absolutely *do* support burning the American flag. The issue here, at least as the school pronounces it, is that the Hezbollah flag has on it Arabic script for "Allah", so walking on it is extra insulting and inflammatory.

    I wonder why the SFSU folks think terrorists can be warm and cuddly, but Republicans cannot be.

  4. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Don't be talkin' smack 'bout my school.

  5. You should be ashamed to admit going there.

  6. Anonymous9:41 PM


  7. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Wow.. that's mean... basically making fun of everyone at a certain college?

  8. If you're truly a college student, I weep for the future. Your comprehension levels are amazingly low.

    Let me put this on a 5th grade level. I'm not making fun of you. I'm saying you attend a horrible situation, and should be ashamed to be associated with such a horrible institution. It may or may not be your fault it's horrible, but it's horrible nonetheless.

    Good Lord, did I *really* have to do that? Are you that childlike? Now *that* was directed solely at you.
