Sunday, March 18, 2007

Modern Marxism

Most Americans today would have to admit, however grudgingly (lefties), that, given reasonable evidence, that Marxism doesn't work. Can they name one, one, workers' paradise? Can they name one, one, with even a slightly good record on the environment? Can they name one, one, that wasn't a police state?

I say most, because there is a segment of America that still longs for Marx, and for Stalin, and for Mao. That segment exists in the field of education.

This Washington Times commentary struck many chords, but this one jumped out at me:

Here is a parallel statement from the Kansas State University catalogue: "To qualify for a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in Women's Studies at Kansas State University, students will have demonstrated their familiarity with key Women's Studies concepts such as the social construction of gender, oppression of and violence against women, heterosexism, racism, classism, and global inequality."

In other words, a student cannot graduate from the Kansas State Women's Studies program unless that student believes in the ideology that makes up its core, and demonstrate that belief. Yet the ideological premise is scientifically challenged -- a fact the program does not acknowledge. In the catalogue descriptions of more than 100 Women's Studies courses I have personally examined, these are common themes.


I've blogged about such courses before (click on the higher education label) and the author of the linked piece has other examples. That author is David Horowitz, so lefties and Jew-haters (repetitious?) can automatically discount that commentary and this blog post. The rest of us, though, will keep in mind that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance--often against the 5th columnists among us.

Update: Quite coincidentally, I came upon this article about Marxism, et. al., by someone who grew up in the Soviet Union. I highly recommend reading it. It weaves the Beatles, anti-American peace rallies, and communist apparatchiks into one amazing tapestry. Be sure to focus on the Gospel of John and Yoko.

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