Monday, March 05, 2007

Joanne's Book Now Available In Softcover

I received the following email from my blogmother, Joanne Jacobs (link at left), and am happy to help.

I’m asking bloggers to spread the word: My book, Our School: The Inspiring Story of Two Teachers, One Big Idea and the Charter School That Beat the Odds, is now available in paperback. March 6 is the official publication date.

Our School follows the principal, teachers and students at Downtown College Prep, a San Jose charter high school that turns underachievers -- most come from low-income Mexican immigrant families -- into serious students. The charter school’s educational philosophy is: Work your butt off. Students aren’t told they’re wonderful. Teachers tell them they’re capable of improving, which turns out to be true. All graduates in the first three classes have been admitted to college; 81 percent remain on track to earn a four-year degree.

Weird fact: The publisher insisted I take “charter” out of the subtitle for the hardcover; they put “charter” back in for the paperback. Apparently, charter schools are now fashionable.

Our School isn’t written for wonks. Readers tell me it’s a page-turner. The book received excellent reviews in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Post, Sacramento Bee and others.

The book is in some, but not all, book stores and is available through Amazon. (I’ve got the links on my blog,, and on

With all the despair about educating "left behind" kids, I think people need to learn that it’s possible to make a difference.

I read the book cover to cover. It's easy to read, very entertaining, and thought-provoking--in other words, very well done all around. Talk about the Freedom Writers movie is making the rounds in education circles; this book is at least as worthy.


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM


  2. It was reading Joanne's blog, as well as Kimberly's (former) Number 2 Pencil, that encouraged me to start this blog.

  3. Dang, wish I could get the Sacramento Bee to review MY book...
