Thursday, March 29, 2007

Guess Who Linked To Me

They obviously didn't read any post other than the one they linked to.

How did they find my blog? Who sent them the link to this post?

Many questions, no answers.


  1. Once again the NEA prove how out of touch they are with mainstream teachers. They need to get away from the left wingers in the union. I'm sure there's a Wal-Mart opening somewhere right under their noses.

  2. The NEA can't get away from the left-wingers. They *are* the left-wingers.

  3. ( sound of heavy breathing.....) Vi ist vatching you......!

    LOL. You, Coach Brown and EdWonk have all been linked by NEA's blog dude.....I wonder if there is ANY connection with NOT being blocked by the Chicoms ? LOL

  4. Ouch. That hurts!!!
