Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Whites to One Rally, Blacks to Another, Etc--At School

When I learned about this via Joanne Jacobs (see blogroll at left), I jokingly sent Joanne's post to my principal and vice principal. My VP responded first: "Are you sure this is real? It seems a bit unbelievable." So I sent him the actual news article linked above. My principal replied later, saying, "I don't think we'll be going there."

But don't you love the greeting to the students at the white students' rally? "What up, white people?" You've got to be kidding me.

I understand the principal's rationale for doing what she did. I really do. But when you consider how people are likely to respond, it's not a choice I'd have made--and I've made some pretty interesting choices before!


  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Mr. Miller I would never think of you as someone who would make "INTERESTING" desisions. We already found out that "separate but equal" doesnt work

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I forwarded the article to some teacher friends of mine, and one of them wrote back to me and said, "Maybe we should change our national slogan to 'e unum pluribus'".

