Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Where Are The Readers From?

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see a new feature I've added to the blog (thanks for pointing that out to me, Greg!). I've never gotten around to a site counter, but this is kinda cool.

I'll keep this post at the top of the heap until the end of the month.

Update: I've obviously now added a site counter.


  1. Statcounter has similar features and even hooks into google sat maps.

  2. Anonymous10:37 AM

    This is unrelated to your post, but I thought you'd get a kick out of it.

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    It would be cool if they also had a real time view so you could see a) where people have come from today and b) where the current visitors are reading from.

    Nice blog btw.
    Are you aware of any similar blogs that cover this topic from a Canadian perspective?

  4. It has all the elements of a good story: Vietnam flashbacks, porn, evil corporation going after the little guy, personal addiction. All that's missing is a spunky sidekick.

  5. Chilligan, it's free, so I'll take what I can get!

    Thank you for your kind thoughts. I hope you'll come back and read here again.

    Are you from BC or Saskatchewan? I ask because MapLoco says I recently had visitors from those two provinces. I've visited Vancouver and Victoria several times in the past several years, but that's as much Canada as I've yet experienced. When you read this site, please note that my criticisms of Canada relate to its socialism, not to its people or land! I actually like what I've seen of it, I just don't like socialism. But given all the dollars I've spent there, I think I make up for it!

    So, Canadian blogs. I enjoy this one: Here's the info that comes from the web site:
    Twentysomething curmudgeon, erstwhile math instructor, and amateur potter, currently working an edumacation gig in BC.

    Hope that gives you a place to start. It hasn't been updated in awhile, but there are links there, some of which by their titles are obviously Canadian.

    Again, thank you for visiting my site.


  6. Just so you know, I nominated you as a Blog That Makes Me Think...and you do. One of the best written blogs out there!

  7. KauaiMark, I like it--notice I've added it at the left.

  8. Mrs. Bluebird, thank you! What better compliment could a blogger receive than to be told he causes someone to think?

  9. I've often wondered how people find this blog. This is *not* the method I was hoping for:

    German pervo!

  10. Odd. I appear to be coming up as , , United States. That's fine with me though, as I really wanted to preserve some anonymity anyway. :-)

  11. Anonymous8:59 AM

    La Maestra,

    All it actually indicates is where the ISP connection made, not necessarily where YOU actually are.

    With the distributed network connections some ISP's have in place, I've been "identified" as being in NY when actually I never left Calif.

  12. By the way....I also tagged you for a "Thinking Blogger" award.

  13. My one worry is that a lot of the hits are from some spamming company(ies) who visits and tries to leave a spam in the comments section.

    What do you think?

  14. I'm getting very few spam comments lately.

  15. You have been randomly selected and invited to participate in a blog experiment.

    The One Blog For All

  16. stat counters are fun. Then you can ponder at one in the morning why anyone would do an internet search for "chicken mop" and why it is your blog won the notorious honor for being number one on such a search.

    Sadly, I've given way to the second page on that search, which is probably why it doesn't come up so much, anymore.

    Of course, now that chicken mop appears twice in your comments, you may take the lead.
