Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Surge Has An Impact?

Worrying about his own hide with 20,000 US troops coming to Baghdad, Moqtada al-Sadr has high-tailed it to Tehran--capital of a country which most definitely is not helping the Iraqi insurgency at all! (snort, sniff, cough)

Captain's Quarters breaks it down:

This couldn't have come at a better time. Congress has tied itself in knots trying to opine on what a disaster the surge will be, and before they can vote on a resolution scolding George Bush for wasting resources, he's already chased one of the worst actors out of Baghdad. Nancy Pelosi will be holding a debate to disapprove of a strategy that has already demonstrated success...

This demonstrates that the US forces have seized the initiative in Baghdad, and that the Maliki government has apparently completely abandoned Sadr. It's a tremendous victory in the preliminary stages, and it sets the table for an end to the hottest part of the insurgencies in the Iraqi capital.

Update, 2/14/07: Yet, the Democrats are going to "stay the course" with their undermining.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I guess I wondered what was to stop Sadr from coming back, like maybe he was just consulting with the Big Guy there before the next big pushback.

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Now if only the media would acknowledge the recent victories and the surge as being a matter of cause and effect. If anything good happens in Iraq, the media doesn't seem to acknowledge it... or if it does, it doesn't tie it to any planning on the part of this administration.

  3. Anonymous7:23 PM

    There is a related story that is being systematically buried by the MSM: The recovery of more than 100 Austrian Steyr sniper rifles. The Austrians, against the warnings of the American and British governments, sold more than 800 of these specialized rifles to the Iranians about a year ago, ostensibly for their National Police Force. Since then, Americans have been killed by these rifles, and more than 100 have been recovered in Iraq. But I'm sure that Bush is just making this up too.

    Regarding Mookie fleeing to Tehran, there's nothing like an imminent visit from a JDAM to take the martyr out of the jihadist. But the surge isn't working even though it hasn't been remotely fully implemented. Remember that...you are getting sleepy...sleepy...ignore the man behind the MSM curtain...
