Saturday, February 10, 2007


OK, not quite, but it's as close as I've come in forever.

Having cabin fever today, I had to get out of the house. But where to go, with the rain (finally) coming down as hard as it was? Thunder Valley, the local Native American Reparations Center, seemed a logical answer.

A friend and I went there and made it in time to get the lunch price for the buffet, then we headed out to the gaming floor. We felt our way through the smoke to the Rewards Center, where I was given a rather nice mug. I accomplished nothing of note while using my free entry in the slot tournament, so off to the regular slots.

We walked around, trying to find that one machine that calls your name, saying "Play me, big boy, play me." I heard the siren call--a patriotic themed, red, white, and blue machine. It was only a nickel slot, and I told my friend he should play it. He didn't want to, so I did; in went twenty bucks. He played a machine right around the corner.

I played twenty lines, betting a nickel each line. After only a few spins, I got one of the special bonuses. The screen immediately above the wheels showed what looked like a wheel of fortune, and I touched the screen to get the wheel spinning. Round and round and round it went, and it stopped--on a bonus of 1500 nickels!

I cashed out my $92.75 and would have called it quits for the day, but I found my favorite--Tailgate Party (cue the music to "Get Ready For This"). I played nine lines at a nickel a line, and while I couldn't get a football game bonus or a chearleader bonus, I did score two barbecue bonuses at 90 nickels each (10 times my bet). When I cashed out I had $92.30, so all my Tailgate Party playing cost me 45 cents--one bet's worth.

I walked out with over $70 more than I walked in with; not bad for playing nickel slots!


  1. Any day you walk out of a casino with money, you are a winner. The slot return rate, which they love to tout, is usually 97%=which means to the average person that they keep three percent of every dollar bet. And that adds up.

  2. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Mr.Miller I thought you only had friends in the Niagra Falls region, was he
    (she) in visiting?

  3. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Oh, Darren, you high roller you! Don't make us call GA on you :). LOL

    Seriously, though, glad you found a fun way to spend a stormy Saturday. You deserve it. How was the buffet?

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Is that going in the Bahama Bucket?

  5. It would be appropriate to call GA if I had blown it all on Tailgate Party, trying to double my money or whatever. No, I'm too tight with my money ever to have to worry about losing control due to gambling.

    Eric, you've obviously lost sight of the purpose of the Bahamas Bucket. And Carson, no one likes a smart aleck!

  6. Oh, the buffet? Muy bueno, as it always is there!

  7. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Sorry couldn't resist

  8. Anonymous6:22 PM

    You're a math teacher. Shouldn't you be counting cards at the blackjack tables?

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Ha! My mother took me to Vegas for my 21st birthday and covered the trip on a single quarter slot pull while we were walking out the door.

    I've never won a cent, but I never gamble with more than a pre-set amount of about $40.

  10. Anonymous2:40 PM

    This is just like the last time I went gambling.....oh wait... no it isn't, I lost all my money in short order. Looks like you are just lucky

  11. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Last time I went I won 'two fifty two', then went to the buffet and realized there wasn't any 'blue food'.
